Dissertation Writing: Answering the Questions

Sometimes a dissertation works to answer questions related to the topic. There are different questions you may work to answer depending on how you approach your topic. For instance, your hypothesis may be a research question in itself and your research works to try and answer it effectively. There are quantitative research questions related to verifying variables related to your topic.

Answering Questions: Think about Your Topic and What Others May Want to Know

Depending on your topic you may need to think about other aspects that have a direct impact on how your audience will understand it. You may want to look into how often it is used or how often the issue arises. Consider types of people that may be involved and their reasons. When you answer questions think about how to compare your findings and explaining them to your audience. Think about factors that may relate directly to your audience. Describe and compare relationships with evidence you came across to make your point.

Looking at the Question Differently from the Topic

In some cases your dissertation question is not considered the same thing as your topic. This may help you answer it with more focus. You can be specific with your answer while still relating your content to your topic. You may be forced to do things a little differently than usual. Meaning, you may need to think outside of the box when defining your answer. You can consider focusing on the concept at hand from a smaller viewpoint or from an expanded viewpoint, depending on how you want to connect ideas related to your topic. One important aspect includes knowing your topic well enough to form a knowledgeable answer.

What are Possible Factors that May Have an Influence?

When answering a question you may need to consider the concept having two or more sides. Think about what they could be as they could be influences on your final answer. Sometimes they can be put together to form another question, but it shows you thoroughly thought about it and potential outcomes. Sometimes it helps to review your answers with a colleague or your instructor to ensure you are on the right track. Think about content you will need to prove it and evidence that will show your answer is concise. You answers should be reasonable and realistic.

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